Image showing vector icons of all the business and marketing services KMBM offers

We offer a wide variety of business and marketing consulting services and can help you with a one-time or an ongoing campaign to suit your goals. For more complex or long-term projects, ask us about our subscription-based retainer options!

Contact us today to schedule an initial 30-minute virtual consultation!

Marketing Consulting Services

Planning & Strategy

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The cornerstone of every marketing effort starts with a good plan full of strategies and tactics targeting specific goals. Whether its starting from scratch and creating a marketing plan for your entire organization or working on a single, specific campaign, we can help you build a solid foundation for all your marketing needs.

Branding & Logos

Branding and Logos

You can’t promote your business, non-profit, or personal brand until you know WHO you are. This starts by building a consistent brand that includes logos, colors, appearance, and especially messaging. We can help you create a new brand from scratch, re-brand an existing organization, or simply get more consistent with the brand you’ve got.


Website & SEO

In today’s online world, websites are a must-have for every business, non-profit, and personal brand. Your website is your very own piece online real estate that belongs to your organization (not a social media corporation). Your website is a central hub with all the information your customers and prospects need to know or receive from you. Since most consumers and businesses do their own online research before making purchasing (or donation) decisions, it is important that your website be the best representation of your brand, your values, your offering, and your goals. We can design a site from scratch, help you update an existing site, and optimize your site so search engines show your information to your target audience.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

There are many digital marketing options including email marketing, SMS marketing, online advertising, content marketing (i.e., blogging), social media marketing, and more. We can help you match the right mix of digital marketing to your goals to help drive the business where you need it.

A note about social media: While social media marketing is often touted as the only digital marketing you need, KM Business and Marketing takes a different approach. Social media is a tool but not the entire toolbox. As such, we do not recommend it for every customer or heavily rely on it. It definitely has a place for certain niche markets and for organizations who have already spent time curating content and building their audience. But we recognize that social media requires a hefty time commitment that is not always realistic for small businesses and non-profits, and many times other marketing tactics are a better fit for your goals.


Events and Product Launches Icon

Events can be powerful ways to reach your audience and accomplish your goals. There is simply no substitute for getting to talk with your customers, donors, or prospects directly! We can help you plan or market an existing event, create an event from scratch, or even develop a full-scale event plan including multiple events.

Product & Campaign Launches

Product and Campaign Launches

When you have worked hard to develop a new product, service, or campaign for your organization, neglecting its launch plan can turn your hard work from feat to flop. We can help you make the most of your new endeavor as you bring it to market.

Data & Analytics

Data and Analytics

Marketing without analyzing data is like walking in the dark without a flashlight. Knowing your results and parameters helps you understand where you’ve been so you can better frame your future plans. Don’t have any data yet? Don’t worry! We can help you understand the metrics you need to collect and get you started while walking you through what they mean for your organization.

Process Optimization

Process Optimization Icon

Evaluating your marketing processes is an important part of your success! Many organizations get stuck in a “we’ve always done it this way” loop that can end up being detrimental to your future and your bottom line. We can evaluate your current processes and make suggestions for how to optimize them to meet your needs. Regular process reviews are an important part of ensuring that your time and money is being spent in the best possible way to achieve your goals.

Business Consulting Services

Business Planning

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It is crucial that a business have a plan that marks out their purpose and goals along with the strategies and tactics they need to accomplish them. We can help analyze your business needs and create a plan that can grow with you.

Operations & Logistics

Operations and Logistics

Keeping things running smoothly and getting things where they need to be can be a big challenge. We can help you set up the most efficient operations and logistics strategies for your needs.

Whole-Business Optimization

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Evaluating all your business processes is an important part of your success! Don’t get stuck in a “we’ve always done it this way” loop that can end up being detrimental to your future and your bottom line. We can evaluate your current structure and processes and make suggestions for how to optimize them to meet your needs. Regular reviews are an important part of ensuring that your time and money is being spent in the best possible way to achieve your business goals.